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Universal God: Message of Peace is a 'not-for profit Charitable Incorporated Organisation' registered in August 2019 for the benefit of the public. Our mission is: 


-To highlight how spiritual development can help us heal and find inner peace. 


- To create more harmonious relationships with one another by establishing a closer relationship with our Creator.


-To share the teachings of Abrahamic Scriptures that remind us of our common humanity.


-To inspire mankind to seek both inner peace and communal harmony through both truthful dialogue and mutual respect.

- To encourage acts of loving kindness and selflessness as a way of spiritual purification and healing for ourselves and others.


-To create more successful and satisfying relationships through the power of faith, truth, wisdom, integrity, love, peace, kindness, respect, tolerance, forgiveness, joy, gratitude, humility, justice, patience, and perseverance.   




Universal God: Message of Peace: A UK Gift Aid Registered, Not-For-Profit 'Charitable incorporated Organisation'.


Registration Date: 28th August 2019

Charity Number: 1185061

Charity Trustees: Dr. Lale Ayse Tuncer, Ms. June Maegher, Mr Lee Weissman, Dr. Martin Bassett

  • 世界和平與和諧

  • 結束世界貧困



    A) 以不同的宗教信仰教育公眾,包括了解他們的獨特特徵和共同點,以促進不同信仰的人之間的良好關係;

    B) 促進對不同宗教信仰的信仰和實踐的認識和相互理解和尊重。

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